Export data from the new Mapbox Studio
The new Mapbox Studio seems to have a button for downloading a style: but not a dataset: So, is there actually a way to export a whole dataset? This may seem like a strange thing to do, but since the...
View ArticleUsing MapBox mobile client with GeoServer Protocols?
MapBox client is beauty and easy to use. But it seems only support their own protocols (GeoJSON & KML & TileJSON). GeoServer Only support WCS & WFS & WMS & TMS & WMS-C &...
View ArticleUnable to use MapBox basemap in CartoDB
I am trying to embed a MapBox basemap that was created in the new studio (just came out a couple weeks ago) and when entering the MapID/URL and the Access Token in the CartoDB interface I get an error...
View Articleresize divIcons (svgs) at zoom levels – Leaflet
I am adding a geoJSON to a map using a custom divIcon (from svg) for point markers with Leaflet. The divIcon needs to resize on different zoom levels. Currently I can see the icons and the popup works,...
View ArticleApportioning two layers using mapbox studio classic
I am using Mapbox Studio Classic to take two shapefiles–one with census tract geometries and the other with my own custom defined geometries. I want to apportion the two geometries so that I can get...
View ArticleIs TileMill as a service restricted to PNG? Or is JPEG an option?
Is TileMill as a service restricted to PNG? Or is JPEG an option? I setup TIleMill as a service as documented here: https://www.mapbox.com/tilemill/docs/guides/ubuntu-service/ Tiles are rendering...
View ArticleCan MapboxGL use nearest neighbour interpolation for overlay image? [closed]
In HTML+CSS version of mapbox/leaflet I can set image-rendering option for .leaflet-image-layer with CSS to choose interpolation method. How can I make this in GL renderer?
View ArticleMapbox-gl: flyTo feature with certain property
I have been playing around with mapbox-gl. I am trying to get the map to flyTo() a specific polygon in one of my layers. After looking extensively through the API I can only find methods to return...
View ArticleMapbox source without access token
I found mapbox source of tiles that doesn’t require access token (http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/mapbox.natural-earth-hypso/page.html#3/0.00/0.00). Does it mean that I can use it without view limits (50k...
View ArticleConvert PNG to GeoTIFF: Invalid pixelsize in geotransform array in FME
I’m converting PNG file to GeoTIFF. Here’s the setup that I use in FME: PNGRaster -> RasterExtractor -> CoordinateSystemSetter -> RasterGeoReferencer -> writer The settings of...
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